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Feed Us Your Tiny Food Story. 100 Words or Less.

Inspired by the New York Times column Tiny Love Stories, which features reader-submitted miniature stories about love, we want to feature One Potato reader-submitted stories about the love of food and family. Food and cooking can be a symbol of affection, a way to show how much we care for one another, a way to pass on traditions, to spend time together, and to try new things (from new flavors to new cooking techniques!). For Thanksgiving, the holiday season - whatever you celebrate - and year round events such as birthdays and anniversaries, we want to publish a collection of Tiny Food Stories for and from our One Potato community.
Click the button below to send us your Tiny Food Story - we’ll collect them and publish them in a post for Thanksgiving, another one for the holidays and New Year’s, and we’ll publish them in collections as they come in during the year. This will be an ongoing column with rolling submissions. 100 words is about as long as the above paragraph. A funny mishap? A surprise guest? A meaningful moment? A Christmas miracle? Send us your true, tiny, food story.
Have more than one story? Send us more than one. We can’t wait to hear from you.
May be edited in consultation with the writer. All private contact information is kept confidential. Contact us with any questions: hello @ or send us a message.